Anonymous: The Mabinogion


This collection of Celtic Mythology contains eleven tales by anonymous authors, collected and transcribed by Lady Charlotte Guest in 1838-45. It brings the Welsh medieval world of legends and myths back to life.

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This collection of Celtic Mythology contains eleven tales by anonymous authors, collected and transcribed by Lady Charlotte Guest in 1838-45.

The earliest prose stories of the literature of Britain are of widely different types. They present the classic hero quest, historic legends and also a very different King Arthur than the later popular versions of his story. The readers will find a huge bulk of drama, philosophy, romance, tragedy, humour and fantasy. There are dragons, shape-shifters, magicians, witches, giants, virgins, heroes and kings.

This wonderful edition of the Mabinogion brings the Welsh medieval world of legends and myths back to life. The eBook corresponds to about 300 book pages.

  • Author: Anonymous (collected & transcribed by Charlotte Guest)
  • Title: The Mabinogion
  • Edition: Brunnakr
  • Series: British Writers
  • Language: English
  • Format: eBook
  • Pages: ca. 300
  • ISBN-13: 978-3-96130-096-9

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